Here are many wonderful cloud formations that remind us of angels.
Do you have a photo? Send it to us!
(.jpg format, under 1 meg)

Updated 9-08
TTANGEL: Here is the classic one that has been on our website for some years now. November of 1996 found Lee and Kryon invited to the United Nations for the 2nd time. In the Kryon group was friend Steve Rother, who took this great photo from a boat heading toward Ellis Island. He was returning from a day at the Statue of Liberty. Steve tells us that he didn't see the angel cloud formation at the time. Who would have guessed that all these years later it would mean so much to us!
WISPANGEL: Lee Carroll took this one quickly at the end of the 2003 seminar in Thousand Oaks, California. Mary Jane came running into the place where Lee was gathering his papers and got him and his mini-camera.

Glad she did!

BARBSANGEL: Is this great or what? This was taken in the desert in Palm Springs by Barbara Harris, photographer and graphic arts designer for this very Kryon on-line magazine! (IntheSpirit). She tells us that she also didn't see the formation when she was photographing it. What a nice surprise!

Great work, Barb!


This cloud formation came to us from the UK, taken in August of 2003.

We thank Dharminder Singh Randhawa for this great contribution!


WOW! A wonderful colored angelic cloud formation!

We thank
Joanie Jiannine for being there when it was in the sky.


Another colorful one from Joanie Jiannine!


Sent to Lee in 1998 by Karl Fink, this amazing cloud was photographed intuitively (without seeing what we see now) by a friend of Karls' in Nebraska.


I found this on the Integratron web site.


Jörg Lotzkat captured this. Look at the incredible detail in the fire face! (inset below) Above it all, is clearly an angel in the clouds. What a photo!

Nugent's angel

John Nugent captured this awesome cloud shot. You don't have to try very hard to see the angel in this photo (duh!).

Thank you John for contributing this!

Australia Angel

Bett Holmes captured this in Slacks Creek, Brisbane, Australia.

"This occurred a couple of days before I left for Sydney to participate in Advanced Practitioner EMF Training. I thought that it was very symbolic."

Very nice!

Alabama Football Angel

My name is Charlotte Frederick. I live in the B'ham Alabama area. I took this picture while I was at the Auburn Football game on 9-17-05. Did not realize it was there until after I was going through my digital camera!

Thanks Charlotte!

PS: Is the angel actually running with a football? I wonder.

Praying Rocks

This is from the Internet, and is an illustration (not a photo), so it's probably designed this way... but fun!

Turn your head sideways to the left and take a look... especially what is up top (after you have turned your head). After you "see" it, you won't be able to "see" anything else!

Scott Monroe took a photo of his son the day before surgery. Branden had some tumors removed and they turned out harmless.

There might be those who feel that an angel was hovering over Branden?

It's all in the eye of the believer.